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Light up life!




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TOP 100 - Deutsche Everlite GmbH was given an award for innovation in German small and medium-sized businesses in 2012

Light not only distinguishes brightness from darkness. Light also has a distinct influence on the human body. It supports personal well-being and increases productivity. With that double motivation the Deutsche Everlite GmbH deals with economic daylight solutions for roofs and walls. So it does not come as a surprise that innovation is a very important trait of this company.

Ambitious daylight constructions, intelligent sun protections - or just a creative use of translucent material. The staff at Deutsche Everlite GmbH in Wertheim explore new avenues to make best use of daylight at the highest level.


Fresh breeze and rotation

Innovation at Deutsche Everlite means: everybody takes part. It is the combination of old and young, experience and fresh breeze that creates the right setting for innovation. Everybody gives and takes feedback. And in this way the success of the company is also the success of each member of staff. "We support holistic training so that employees may work flexibly. We call it job rotation", says General Manager Sven Schmidt-Tudl. In this way most employees may excel in almost every job - and provide innovative input for many projects at various stages. And the possibility of time-out provides room for personal and creative growth.


Complaints as challenge for improvement

It is quite unusual to include complaints in innovation processes. To start with complaints are simply embarrassing. But they also offer potential: "Complaints handled in the right way help to make improvements" says General Manager Schmidt-Tudl. And this is how management regards these: If mistakes are detected, we take adequate corrective measures and evaluate their effectiveness. This is the purpose of the 24 hour emergency hotline, the emergency room of the company. Accountable staff regularly provide management reviews to prevent mistakes. In this way complaints help to continuously improve the products and shed a new light on the innovative power of the company.


"Our success is built on open communication, short reaction times and the flexibility of our staff."